Promoting, empowering, and inspiring healthy & balanced lifestyles through powerful and effective Blends of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and roots for a complete optimization of Mind & Body and to help our body heal naturally...


Our Purpose, Code, and set of Principles defined in three words...

Most people falsely believe that we have no power to protect ourselves from frightening diagnosis, conditions, and external threats. And that we must follow the traditional and indoctrinated protocols in order to Heal and to maintain a sense of protection and security. However, most of the chronic imbalances we face today are far more preventable and even reversible if we decide to study, research, seek out truth, and take full control and extreme ownership of our health.

Earn and Own Your Wellness by learning to eat whole and real food, consistent exercise and training protocols, and the cultivation of disciplines to restore the powerful balance of Mind-Body connection.

Field Tested Supplements

Anecdotal evidence, feedback, and reviews from thousands of people show that our unique combinations of ingredients are very effective and improve overall health and performance.
Backed by a highly specialized Laboratory and team of experts with more than 40 years of experience developing natural formulations inspired by ancestral Wisdom and Science.  

Our supplements are proudly manufactured in USA in a FDA registered & inspected Laboratory following all the mandatory cGMP guidelines and meeting all the key independent auditing indicators by NSF -one of the most respected Independent Certification Organizations in the Industry.

“This is another product that worked for me, my cholesterol was over 500 due to my
hypothyroidism. I took it for two weeks prior to my physical. My numbers are back to normal and the doctor has taken me off my prescription medication. I would recommend this product. I know everyone's medical condition varies but if you want to get off prescribed medications, this is worth a try. I couldn't be more pleased”
  R. Brown

“It’s working !  I am getting good readings when I check my blood sugar levels. I want to stay away from medications which can cause dangerous effects and l found the alternative in Blood Sugar Wellness Complex”.  Caroline

“I am feeling better. I started just one week ago and I am impressed. It’s working, I am feeling with more energy, more positive, calm, and with ease. I noticed that one pill is enough for all day long. I strongly recommend this product.” Mike